Frequently Asked Questions!


Questions about CBD

Q: What is CBD?
A: CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevelent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the heml plant, a cousin of marijuana, or manufactured in a laboratory. CBD will not get you “high” – Especially not in a topical application. Read more about this over at or at

Q: What is THC?
A: THC is the chemical found in marijuana that is responsible for most of the psychological effects. A scientific explanation can be found over at .

Q: What is the difference between THC and CBD?
A: has a great article about the difference (and the legality) of the two cannabinoids, and how

Q:Where does it come from?
A: Plants! And although the marijuana plant, and the industrial hemp plant are technically the same species of plant, they bear little resemblance to one another, are bred for different purposes, and the question of legality is hinged on this distinction. For our CBD products, we use an isolate, which is the pure chemical extraction of CBD from the industrial hemp plant. Isolates are 99%+ pure and contain very little, if any THC. For our Full Spectrum products, we use a distillate, which is a highly refined extract that has undergone the distillation process, leaving 70-80% CBD along with minor cannabinoids. Distillates will usually contain the federally acceptable 0.3% THC. There is a great article over at that explains the difference between isolate and full spectrum better than I ever could. Certificates are available upon request.

Q: What is the difference between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD?
A: For a great explanation of this, please visit or

Q: Is CBD safe?
A: The short answer is yes. Everything in moderation. We only produce topical, cosmetic products, so most of this does not apply to us specifically, but the and the have some articles with regards to this subject.

Q: So CBD is legal?
A: CBD is not illegal. There is some debate surrounding state vs. federal laws, however, the fact is that CBD has never been a controlled substance. With that said, even though it was somewhat superflous, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) removed hemp and hemp seeds from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) schedule of Controlled Substances. Which we think was awfully nice of them.

Q: How do I know what is in YOUR CBD?
A: Here is a link to the certificate of the CBD I am currently using in my products, showing the total CBD percentage, the total Cannabinoid percentage, whether or not THC is detected, as well as if any other residue was found.

Questions about 3D Printing and the like

Q: What are your 3D printed items made out of?
A: Everything currently listed as of 2/22/22 is made out of PLA, which is short for Polylactic Acid, and is the most common 3D printing material because it is easy to use and is made from renewable resources and thus, biodegradable.

Q: Why does it say it will take Xamount of time for you to ship my item?
A: Because I have to calculate orders, issues, and repair into my lead time in order to be as fair and accurate as possible. Your item will likely ship prior to the estimated date, however, since I am not psychic (much) I don’t want to promise anything I am not sure I can deliver on.

Questions about Bath Bombs & Beauty Products

Q: I let my bath bomb sit in my medicine cabinet for a month and now it is BROWN! What happened?? Is it safe to use?!?
A: Any fragrance that contains vanillin (a chemical compound that is related to, but not the same as the vanilla in our cookies) will do that. There are “stabilizers” for soaps and bath bombs and the like, but they are harsh, they don’t smell good, and I can’t imagine they are super great for your skin. I try not to use them. But even if I did, the vanilla scented bath bomb that you kept in your medicine cabinet for a month would still be brown. Just maybe not AS brown quite yet.
And yes, its perfectly safe to use. It’s just brown.


General Questions

Q: You use SHRINK WRAP?? Don’t you CARE about the ENVIRONMENT???
A: We *do* care about the environment. But not a lot. Just kidding! We use a product called Biolefin(tm). This is an oxo-biodegradable film that, when exposed to the elements, breaks down in 18-24 months and leaves no plastic particulate behind (no micro-plastics!)

Q: Why do I have to pay so much for shipping?
A: We are a small business, and cannot afford to go into space. Please help us with that.

Q: Why does it take so long for me to get my packages?
A: Because the United States Postal Service is underfunded and overworked. And, there is a high probablity that if there is a delay in shipment, that I was either behind, or had to make the items in your order.